Here are some pictures from my long-planed Bridal Photo Session. My Bride wanted to do a Post-wedding Photo Session, a
“trash the dress” thing but I couldn’t quite make up my mind on the location. I had an option of doing it on the beach, city or park. I was driving by the farm one day and I thought it would be nice to take some pictures on the farm with blooming apple trees. Nailing down blooming time is very critical since it’s a fairly short period so we scheduled our session on Wednesday May 6th. It was a rainy week but Wednesday afternoon was very nice and we got some gorgeous pictures. I think the Bride looks like a blossoming apple - so fresh and glowing.
I am so HAPPY with result but unfortunately you can do this only once a year.
Now I’m looking for a Bride who would like to do to a Bridal Session at Arboretum Park Conservancy with lilac trees. Let me know if you are interested or if you know somebody who would be interested.